The anger

When  proposed to me to do a mural in March around women’s day, once again I had that contradictory feeling between joy and sadness. Joy because being able to make a piece inside a museum is always a great opportunity, but on the other hand there was that point where it seems that right now women only have a voice in March or we only have a voice the rest of the year, but only to talk about equality and women’s rights.

With this, I am not saying that I think it’s wrong to talk about these issues, I am a feminist and if I can contribute with my work to brin gus closer to a more equal world, of course I will do it. What I am beginning to find less fair and tired of is that we are only called upon for that, as if we have no voice on any other issue. Like my colleagues, I want to be able to choose the subject of my work, I want to be able to  express my opinions beyond the subject of feminism. For this reason, it seemed to me that the best claim I could make for this mural was to do something that was totally my work, with my language and my themes.

Muvim, Valencia 2023

VHS 16

Fotage of VHS exposition at Galería Anaglifos, Barcelona.

Fotage of VHS exposition at Galería 9, Valencia.

“VHS” is a project that, like “the collection” and “fascicles”, are artworks that comes from an theoretic/practice investigation in relation to collecting and the link that a collector have to their acquisitions. It a way of accumulating, it’s differenced by organization and repetition.

In VHS we find a collection that directly or indirectly we all have had in our lives. In this project i focus on the re-recordable VHS, in which we find the “second collection” of memories. They containers of memories, moments; from things we record on TV, moments of our lives…

2011 – 2016


“FOLDER” is the representation of adolescence, that moment where we establish who we are and to which tribe we belong to through customizing / decorating our folders. Collage of images, drawings and quotes through we represent ourselves, putting us in a box.

Mixed Technique (collage, ink, marker, graphite) between methacrylates 130 x 40 cm


The Collection

78 pieces (17 x 12 cm).
Acrylic on different papers.
Plastic figure.
Variable dimensions.


Stuff. Between the object of value and garbage

“Getting rid of a useless object that I barely pay attention to once a year means somehow getting rid of a part of my life, but keeping it without using it means having to face its silent reproach every time I open the closet door”.
Deyan Sudjic

300 x 500 cm

Mixed media on different supports.


Work done thanks to the Habitat Artístic de Castelló Scholarship.

Old stuff 1 & 2

Old stuff 1 & 2

300 x 320 cm

Mixed media on different supports.


Girls stuff I

Mural made for the town council of Chulilla, in the fronton of the sports centre.

This mural has been funded by the State Pact against Gender Violence to raise awareness about equality from childhood and youth in sport.

This mural was made together with “Cosas de chicas II” (Girls stuff II ).

VLC host

Mural for the entire staircase of the 3 floors of the VLC host building in the Cabanyal neighbourhood. 

The mural connects each floor with each flat, being able to find inside the flat the same mural as in the landing, but simplified.

Valencia 2022